Did you pay attention to the Chick-fil-a controversy this week? Interesting trends when mayors have the power to deny businesses the right of starting new franchise locations in their town because of the CEO of Chick-fil-a's statements and beliefs regarding the biblical definition of marriage. It should be noted that is what he made statements about, not opposing gay and lesbians personal decisions, just opposing the change in the long-held definition of marriage. Before this week I really liked Chick-fil-a and now their sweet tea and chicken sandwich provide a moral reason to like them too!
See story here:
How should Christ's followers respond to all of this? I mean, besides going through the drive-thru next Wednesday. First, we should be bothered by this. I am bothered by sin. It dishonors God. I dislike lust, lies, murder, oppression, and hatred. I labor to communicate God's plan of having sent Christ to die in our place for the punishment of sin and to set us free from sin. I need to be bothered most by my own sin. I despise racism - it takes place when people are identified as less/more valuable based on their culture/color/nation. I believe we are all one race, Adam's. I am opposed to sexism - no gender is better or of more value to God. I believe God created us male and female, gave us the law, and that Satan, as always, tries to blur the distinctions in God's laws and His creation. I do not believe in the oppression of people. I do not equate mistreatment of ethnicity's or genders to be the same as opposing a redefinition of marriage. Gay is not