Saturday, December 27, 2014

Start the year off right: Get in the Word

On Thursday January 1st we will start the 5x5x5 plan by reading Mark 1. The Plan is reading  - 1 Chapter a day
  • 5 minutes - this is how long it takes to read the average chapter in the New Testament
  • 5 days a week - Reading Monday-Friday with the Weekends as time for reflection.
  • 5 ways to go connect with others.

This reading plan is from Discipleship Journal and you can pick up a printed version next Sunday at church for the month of January. The app for your mobile devices can be downloaded from You Version: have also added an Old Testament passage that helps connect the passage in some way with God's earlier revelation.

This year we are really going to stress sharing your 5x5 with others, and we are providing 5 ways to personally connect with someone. Choosing one of these 5 ways to connect is what makes it the 5x5x5. It is also how we grow and encourage each other to grow, so let's get busy and begin having Bible conversations with each other this year.  Here are some different ways that can happen:

  1. Purposeful conversation: Each day set out to share what you read with someone during the course of the day.
  2. Planned interaction: This is you and someone else or a group gathering regularly, once a week and sharing together the things God is showing each of you.
  3. Personal testimony: Come ready to share something special from your reading in a group setting with your church family: in a group like Sunday School, Mid-week prayer and Bible study, Ladies fellowship, Men's Breakfast, or in some other way.
  4. Partnership Reading: Purposely set aside time with a friend, you family, or your spouse and read through the 5x5 together.
  5. Prioritized journaling: As you read jot down some of the ways that God's Word spoke to you and prioritize sharing those thoughts in an encouraging note or email to somebody else each week.

With the above possibilities of having Bible conversations that count, we are providing a you could follow each day as you read:

There are many different methods for reading the Bible. This is called R.O.A.D. journaling. The acronym R.O.A.D. contains the directions. We encourage you to actually write down your thoughts (ie journaling) if you use this method. Here’s the meaning of the acronym:
R (Read) -Pray for understanding, then read through the text slowly and deliberately. If you have time, read the text twice.

O (Observe)- Observe the details of the text and try to understand what the author is saying. For example, pay attention to things like: facts (Who? What? When? Where? Why?), repetition, contrast, cause and effect, definitions, explanations, questions, quotations, commands, prohibitions, warnings, promises, etc.

A (Apply)-Answer two questions: What is God saying in this text? What am I going to do about it?

D (Depend)-Pray for continued understanding, trust, and obedience. Ask God’s Spirit to help you apply these truths to your life right now. As the Spirit leads, feel free to praise God, confess and repent of sin, embrace God’s grace, etc

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Pragmatism is killing the church

Faithful Gardening

When Methodist missionary J. Waskom Pickett published Christian Mass Movements in India in 1933, it would’ve been impossible to predict its impact on American evangelicalism. His observations about rates of conversion and church growth among Indian castes may have seemed innocuous at the time, but his interest in outcomes betrayed assumptions rooted in pragmatism.
Pickett’s book resonated strongly with young Donald McGavran, who carried the baton forward, lighting his “candle at Pickett’s fire.” Using Pickett’s observations, McGavran developed the “homogeneous growth unit principle,” that people prefer “to become Christians without crossing racial, linguistic, or class barriers.” Keeping people as comfortable as possible was the key to higher conversion and growth rates. That’s pragmatism, unvarnished and unapologetic—practical outcomes, measured value, and determined conduct.
McGavran returned from the mission field to plant pragmatic growth strategies in the fertile, Arminian soil of American evangelicalism. It was like pouring Miracle-Gro on weeds. Churches that incorporated McGavran’s seekerfriendly church-growth strategies were booming. The come-as-you-are gospel was more appealing—and therefore more numerically successful—than the gospel of self-sacrifice.
Though today there’s widespread disillusionment with the fields of weeds, many continue to engage in pragmatism. It’s distorting the gospel as it’s contextualized to other cultures and subcultures. And it’s turning the Sunday worship service into a staged event, with all the requisite accoutrements—rock band, “attractional” preaching, and support groups.
Pragmatism is so deeply rooted in evangelical soil that many pastors enter ministry embracing its assumptions. In fact, it’s so native to evangelical thinking that some pastors fail to see the incongruity in teaching the doctrines of grace while practicing Arminian-style evangelism and church-growth strategies.
It’s time to weed the garden. Let’s eradicate every noxious, thorny strategy rooted in pragmatism. Not only does pragmatism undermine the consistency of our theology and practice, but it’s choking out the good fruit of a principle-driven, convictional ministry grounded in God’s Word. So, here are four reasons to don the gardening gloves and grab the trowel:
First, pragmatism clouds the church’s vision. Pragmatism requires us to examine practical results, that is, to walk by sight, not by faith. Yet our judgment is limited and fallible at best; if we are the arbiter of what works, we reinforce prideful self-reliance, which is blindness. God calls us to live by faith. We are to fear Him, trust His Word, and leave the results—and our judgment about what works—to Him. Walking by faith clears the church’s vision.
Second, pragmatism diminishes the church’s glory. Pragmatism fosters man-centeredness, glorying in man’s ability, ingenuity, and innovation—which is no glory at all. The church is an assembly of sinners, redeemed by faith, who glory in the God of sovereign grace. William Gurnall wrote,
God is more jealous of having the glory of his grace ravished by the pride and self-glorying of the creature, than ever any prince was of having his queen deflowered … to secure it from any such horrid abuse, he hath chosen faith … whose very nature, being a self-emptying grace, renders it incapable of entering into any such design against the glory of God’s grace.
God is the church’s glory, not man. His power is manifest when the church trusts His Word to accomplish His will.
Third, pragmatism supplants the church’s true authority. Pragmatism puts man—his judgments, innovations, and strategies—in the seat of authority. But the church belongs to Christ (Matt. 16:18). As head of the church, what He says is exclusively authoritative (Eph. 4:155:23).
Fourth, pragmatism diverts the church’s purpose. Like waterless clouds, pragmatism finally fails to deliver on its promises. Christ’s Great Commission is to make disciples, which involves baptizing (evangelism) and teaching (edification). We’re to do that without anxiously counting numbers. How many disciples depends on God’s sovereign election, not our methods.
Christ designed the church to be “the pillar and buttress of the truth” (1 Tim. 3:15) by proclaiming the gospel to the lost and teaching the redeemed to practice the truth. That’s Ephesians 4:11-16: Apostles and prophets laid the church’s foundation with the truth; evangelists plant new believers in the truth; pastors and teachers anchor saints by teaching and equipping them according to the truth.
So, pastors should spend their time and energy on studying and thinking deeply about truth. Feeding Christ’s sheep should be their consuming preoccupation (John 21:15-17). They are shepherds, not entrepreneurs. They guide the flock by the “pattern of sound words” (2 Tim. 1:13) and entrust those words to faithful teachers who will teach the next generation (2:2). The church desperately needs men who will “hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that [they] may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it” (Titus 1:9).
Pragmatism is poison to the church. Church ministry is about trusting the sovereign will of God and being faithful to plant and water the good seed of the gospel (1 Cor. 3:6-8). Growth, increase, fruit—that’s entirely up to Him.

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Bible - 5.8 Billion got it: 1.3 to go!

An estimated 5.8 billion people now have all or some of the Holy Bible translated into their first language, and the Bible is now in more than 2,800 different languages, according to a recent announcement by Wycliffe Bible Translators USA.
"Last year, Wycliffe Global Alliance reported that 4.9 billion people could access at least part of the Bible in their first language. This year the number has grown to 5.8 billion," Bob Creson, president and CEO of Wycliffe, told The Christian Post. "This represents tremendous progress toward our goal of starting a translation project in every language needing one by 2025."
Creson also told CP that technological advances in areas like translation are "a critical role in speeding up the translation process."
"Software like Adapt It automates some parts of the translation process, dramatically cutting down the time required to produce first drafts in related languages," said Creson.
"We have also adapted a cluster-project model for translating. Rather than developing each translation independently, cluster projects bring similar languages together so translators can share skills and insights with each other."
Wycliffe Global Alliance, which is comprised of over 120 organizations from more than 60 nations including Wycliffe USA, broke the statistics in a press release.
"There are about 7000 languages in active use and at least one book of Scripture exists in almost 2,900 of these languages," noted WGA. "At least 1.3 billion people do not have the full Bible available in their first language. Over 634 million of these have the New Testament; others have portions or at least some level of work begun."
The Wycliffe organization credited efforts like YouVersion's Bible App, Faith Comes by Hearing audio Scriptures and the "JESUS" film in using twenty-first century technology to reach out to remote regions.
"Though there has been astounding progress toward complete global Bible access, there is a lot of work to be done to reach the 1.3 billion people around the world without the full Bible," commented Creson to CP. "God has been faithful in bringing the people and technology required to complete this mission, and we're confident that someone alive today will start the last new Bible translation project."
Source URL :

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What you and I have in common with Ray Rice: Titus 2

The stories flooding in from the National Football League have been all over the news. Ray Rice knocking out his fiancé in the hotel elevator; Adrian Peterson whipping his son;  indecision; suspensions; drugs; and apologies. It turns our stomach and makes us wonder if fame and money perpetuate such conduct. Talent tends to swell our heads and when we glory in skill and ability played between white lines chalked on a field it’s no wonder kids end up with heroes that have little to no moral integrity. In the end the NFL must begin to care about far more than winning on Sunday and filling stadiums.
If you have watched any of the behaviors of football players off the field recently you are aware of the fact that there is a serious problem with domestic abuse. This really shines a light on anger acting out in extreme ways that endangers people. Though we may not be abusers, each one of us carries the marks of our own depravity. Paul tells Titus that though we are given grace by God, we also must get to work denying temptations and sinful tendencies that creep in. Instead we should live in a way that reflects God’s character and His work in our lives.

What’s happening in the league reminds us of every individual’s depravity; and if we are honest we also know that what is happening is not isolated to big guys with lots of money. There is a big problem all around us with domestic violence and we must speak out and defend the abused. But we must also own the errors of our own ways too; we are all sinners. We, just like Ray Rice, have done wrong. You may not have beat someone down, but you have committed countless other sins. So, do some introspection too; don't be content to be better than "that guy". Don't ever forget your own depravity; don't ever stop seeing your need for the transforming work of Jesus in your own life.
The short book of Titus records a short primer on life, godliness, and ministry in this letter from Paul to another one of his spiritual sons. Titus 2:11-13 holds some important reminders for every believer. God is doing a work in us and as he works on us, He also has some things He tells us to work on. There is no doubt that salvation is a work that he has done in us, but he is then teaching us that we need to take some things seriously as we follow our new Lord and Savior.

So what are we to be doing? We need to say “NO”. “No” to everything that is anti-God;  and “No” to everything that causes us to desire things that are not from Him. There are many things that we could lust after that will drive us away from His good intentions and plans for us. Money, success, “greener” relationships, power, prestige, or making “happiness” our god. Paul tells Titus to say “no” to these things and “yes” to thought-filled living, right steps, and a God-reflecting life. Paul tells Titus to be motivated by the fact that Jesus is returning and exchange sinful habits and lifestyles for new steps that sober, righteous, and godly. This means each of us, including Ray Rice, can find forgiveness and empowerment for a new life and purpose in the saving work of Christ on the cross. He died so we would be forgiven and be transformed into His disciples.
So let me pose this question: when Jesus returns will He find you reflecting Him and living as His redeemed child? When He returns what will He find you doing? Will you look like Him and zealously be doing His work? Or will you look more like a football player who made his ambition about an inflated piece of leather, a wad of green paper, or abusively controlling those around him. Will you be on your own agenda or on His mission for you? Are you living in light of what he has redeemed you for, or borrowing from the trash He rescued you from?  Why not get back in the real game and live for something that will last: get busy trading in the world’s garbage for eternity’s treasure.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Igniting fire for life in Christ: 2 Timothy 1

Over the last year there has been this pile of brush down near the softball field on our church’s property that has kept expanding. Broken branches, dead, bushes, and who knows what else has been thrown there. This past Friday night we decided to have the biggest bonfire in Michigan and set it ablaze. If you know me well, I’m not exactly the camping type so starting a fire for me usually includes lighter fluid. So I left the job of lighting it to someone else. In no time the pile was lighting up the entire area. It is amazing to watch just one little flame engulf an area and multiply its heat.

In 2 Timothy 1 Paul uses language that we can appreciate if we have ever seen someone who knows what they are doing when they start a fire. Paul tells Timothy to “stir up the gift” or “fan into flame the gift” that God had given him. I remember watching this happen around the campfire. Just as it looked like the fire was dying, someone begins to blow or fan the ashes or embers. At first it looks like it is going to put the fire out, and then a flame bursts out and the fire begins to grow and then spread. All the fire needed was to have some fresh oxygen to grow.
This is the message Paul is giving Timothy. Do you ever feel stagnant spiritually? You begin to lack desire, or you can tell that there is something missing. Your zeal, your prayer time, your trust in God, even things like reading the Bible and going to a worship service become chores. You are not alone, it happens to all of us. It happened to Timothy and even Paul.

Spiritual apathy is a casual complacency that sneaks in and eventually has the effect of

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sharing words that encourage: 1 Timothy 1

What words should you share with someone you are trying to encourage? What are the things that you need reminding of in your daily walk? I find it interesting how some people have a knack for saying just the right thing to calm your soul and put you at ease. And then it is crazy to think about that one individual who has the total opposite effect and always says something that just doesn’t set well…. Uh, that’s being kind, because they usually say something that makes your blood

Friday, August 1, 2014

Are we fools? 1 Corinthians 4

We are fools for Christ’s sake. Fools – fools in the eyes of those around us; fools to those that don’t walk or talk like us. Fools for believing in the unseen God. Fools for having a hope in a far better future. Fools for yielding to a higher power who we know by name. Fools for allowing that unseen One to dictate our courses of action, give purpose to our existence, or demand our life consecration. Fools for Christ’s sake – those words were used by Paul in 1 Corinthians 4 to remind Corinth that outside of faith and the promises in Chris,t his actions and the suffering he went through to be a faithful steward just did not make sense to the apostate world around them. To choose the preaching of the cross had left them imprisoned, hungry, naked, tortured, suffering, and left for dead. He adds these words, “We are made as the filth of the world. And are the offscourging of all things.”

This was the life of Paul. This is what he was called to. This was the otherside we often forget of seeing the power of God ignite the church planting movement throughout the Roman Empire. The reminder serves as my personal chastisement for seeking comfort over Christ, for choosing the easy path, and for going to spiritual war without my armor. If we follow Paul’s example than we too open ourselves up to being viewed as fools. The alternative: live life no differently than the masses who have no lasting hope, no eternal purpose, and no Savior in the Christ who died that we might live for a kingdom yet unseen: Yes, Live foolishly. Live for the glory of the Creator. Live in light of following Sovereign God. Live in the reality of an eternal existence. Live because you have been granted the privilege of knowing and talking with and spending forever with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. To Him that’s faithfulness; to everyone else that’s foolishness. I trust you choose to live foolishly.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Are we worshipping the family?

The following are possible signs that we have begun worshipping the family rather than encouraging our family to be worshippers:

We Seldom Host Others: If our home is seen primarily as a citadel set against the world, there is a problem. A home centered upon Christ will be marked by growing hospitality. It is a way station of truth and worship. We gladly invite others into it for rest, encouragement, and strengthening.

We Seldom Reach Out to Others: If our family is so insular that others don’t know us, there is a problem. A Christian family filled with love and worship should overflow to those around them. Neighbors and co-workers can’t help but be touched by the love that permeates in and cascades from our family.

We Seldom Serve in the Church: If our family is so focused on just being a family that we can’t attend mid-week bible studies or are so intent on being together Sunday morning that the parents can’t teach Sunday School or assist in the nursery, there is a problem. As a Christian family we are to see ourselves as part of the community. Not separate from it. Not more important than it. But essential to it.

We Seldom Have Time: If our family is always busy with its own activities, whether soccer, piano, ballet, family vacations, or even family worship to the point that we have little time for others, there is a problem. The enrichment and growth of our children, even in spiritual things, is not to pull us away from people but towards them. Yes, we only have so many years to train and teach our children while they are at home. But are we teaching them that they and their activities are the center of life or worshipping Christ and loving others is what is most important?

We Seldom Sacrifice: If our family is reluctant to give generously, because of what it costs our family, there is a problem. We hesitate to give above our tithe to missionaries, the local church, the building fund, or the homeless shelter because our children’s college education comes first. We neglect supporting the church member headed out on a short-term mission’s trip, because our family “educational trip” is more important. We always have an excuse. And it is always our family’s need that provides the ground for that excuse. Rather, the Christian family should be generous in giving—generous to the point of giving sacrificially.

We Seldom Have Flexibility: If others feel like they are always interrupting our family by calling, visiting, or proposing a time to get-together, there is a problem. Others will notice it before us. They begin to feel like our family’s routine cannot be interrupted under any circumstances. We convey this consciously or even subconsciously and others pickup on it. Rather, our family should be noted by its flexibility and joy when others stop by, friendliness when called, and availability when needed.

We Seldom Speak Well of Others: If our family tends to have an arrogant air about it, there is a problem. We have it together. Others don’t quite understand the importance of the family, worship, and our calling as parents. Our conversations are too often critical and judgmental. If only others understood as we do. May it never be! Our families should be filled with thanking God for others. Our children should hear us commending and promoting others. People should find that we are refreshing to their souls, rather than critical of their practices.

By all means, let us enjoy and treasure our families. Let us celebrate the gift they are. Let us pour out our lives and hearts into ministering to our spouse, rearing our children in Christ, and filling our homes with the love and truth of Christ. However, in so doing, let us also be worshippers of the Christ we are seeking to honor. Let us worship Him in our worshipping families, rather than worship our families in the name of worshipping Him.

Written by Jason Helopoulos, guest blogger on

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The indelible link between love and forgiveness

This morning I was amazed again by the story of the full and unreserved worship of the woman with the alabaster box. Not because of her boldness alone, or her sacrifice – which according to historians was of extreme value. Though those were part of this account in Luke 7, that is not what Jesus chooses to highlight; He shines a light on two qualities that he then reveals are indelibly linked: her love and her living forgiven. You see those who have been forgiven, respond in love; and isn’t that a key factor in the sincerity and strength of your worship today: to what extent have you been forgiven?

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Reconciliation Anyone? A interesting case study from the 1st Century

The early church is a great example of ministry in the midst of so much wrong culturally. Class warfare, social and ethical bigotry, and national pride were already in existence prior to the breakout growth and expansion of the church. So how would the church respond? They promoted unashamedly the gospel and allowed forgiveness and righteous living to reverberate into the culture while maintaining a firm grasp on that gospel. If the gospel has not effected our practical daily living or brought change to relationships then we don't have the same gospel that so affected Paul, Onesimus, and Philemon. The short letter of Philemon is a quick read that reminds us even today how the gospel is to shape our relationships. Reconciliation anyone? How is the gospel reverberating in your life?

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The freedom found in Romans 8

“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.” Romans 8:2

The life-altering announcement of “no condemnation” rings in our ears from verse 1 and now it only gets better. FREEDOM – Free from the law of sin and death. FREEDOM – when in the past all I knew was the law and my short-comings in fulfilling it. FREEDOM – not of my own doing but freedom that comes in the Spirit of life in Jesus Christ.

It reminds me of one of my favorite songs:

There is a wall that has been standing, since the day that Adam fell
Sin is where it started, and Sin is why it held
Speaking as a prisoner, who was there and lived to tell
I remember how it fell ….
This is how it feels to be free. This is what it means to know that I am forgiven
The law has its role. It shows me the holiness of God. It reveals my sin. It reminds me time and again of my need for something that is not in me. It hits me again and again with legal evidence

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Wrong Reasons to love the church

  • Don’t love the church because of what it does for you. Because sooner or later it won’t do enough.
  • Don’t love the church because of a leader. Because human leaders are fallible and will let you down.
  • Don’t love the church because of a program or a building or activities because all those things get old.
  • Don’t love the church because of a certain group of friends because friendships change and people move.
Love the church because of who shed his blood to obtain the church. Love the church because of who the church belongs to. Love the church because of who the church worships. Love the church because you love Jesus Christ and his glory. Love the church because Jesus is worthy and faithful and true. Love the church because Jesus loves the church. - Joshua Harris

Thursday, April 24, 2014

The role of the church in the public arena: Is it our job to legislate morality?

Definitions are important:
First, we may need to differentiate between legislating Christianity and legislating morality. Religious freedom gives individuals the opportunity to worship who and how they so desire as long as it does not impede on others rights. We should not be imposing faith on others by making anything but "Christianity" illegal. I have no problem with having laws that encourage morality: laws against stealing, killing, and any other laws that enhance human flourishing. I don’t see Paul or the Apostles seeking to legislate their Biblical values upon or through the government, but instead boldly proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Christian laws for the non-Christian?
Second, we as Christians need to be careful about applying God’s law to those outside the body of Christ. We may get into a sticky topic here, but I find it interesting that people in the church get so riled up about non- Christians being homosexual when the average church sees divorce and heterosexual activity outside of marriage as a lighter issue, and often turns a blind eye to these issues. Sexual sin is sin, no matter what form it takes: infidelity, adultery, pornography, sex outside marriage, etc. We also need to ask why we have an expectation for unregenerate people, who don't have Christ, to turn from this lifestyle and accept our way of thinking when they have no power through Christ to overcome this. Paul uses homosexuality in Romans 1 as an example of the apostate mind and life. We should not expect to see change by making more laws. The only way change will come is if the heart finds Jesus and forgiveness.

Christian but not at all like Christ?
Third, I believe that in churches and families we need to do a much better job of seeking after holiness. This means we need to love the law - it is revealing the character and quality of Christ. We need greater attention to the commands of Jesus and his underlying of the ten commandments and the moral law. Romans 7:12 tells us the law is holy, good, and just; we just need to make sure we don't turn its fulfilling into the means by which we think we obtain eternal life (that's legalism). We have an identity crisis in which many in the church live no differently in reference to lying, hate, divorce, and a whole host of other actions. This does not equate; if we have God’s Spirit in us then why do we look nothing like Jesus? It is either that we don’t have God’s Spirit in us or we don’t understand what Jesus is calling us to.

Being leery of authority types not ordained in scripture
Fourth, When I think of Christian colonies from our American history and nations that would seek to be Christian according to their bylaws I get nervous about the idea of a government of coercion or by fabricating faith and forced conversions. Having Christ-centered membership is to be the responsibility of a church, but I'm not sure we find Biblical precedence outside of theocratic Israel. I believe we must avoid promoting this type of extra-biblical authority. This lends itself to other serious assumptions as to leadership, control, and law. We just don't find this in Paul's world or in the NT.

Muddying the waters with less than the gospel
Finally, I think we should also be careful that we be clear about the gospel and stand for our rights as believers to worship and live out the teachings of God's Word. Where we may need to be careful is that we entangle ourselves so much in political issues that the gospel gets blurred or forgotten, taking a back seat to other teachings. We must be careful to teach the whole counsel of God in our churches, but not expect righteousness from those who don't have Christ's righteousness or God's Spirit to enable righteous living. If people reject us and choose not to come to our churches, I trust it will be for those issues that pertain to the gospel and their rejection of Christ and that they not drive by the church and say "that's that democrat/ or republican church" or "there's those Obama hater's." If that is what we are known for then we have not properly communicated and lived out the message of Jesus Christ. The average individual we meet needs Jesus and not the vast amount of extra-Biblical things the church has often aligned itself with or the less primary Biblical issues the church has at times made itself primarily defined by.

In closing let me emphasize that we must be people who live by the Word and should be careful about expecting Godly living from those who have rejected Jesus. We must also be careful not to have our own modern day Salem Witch Hunt that veers us far off the path of holding forth the gospel as salt and light and instead causes us to enter behavior modification with more laws, no grace and utter darkness. This is not the mission we have been called to; this is not the role of the church; and this is not the gospel of the Kingdom of God.

Matthew 16: Faith vs. Sight

Often we hear people place a final obstacle to overcome before placing faith in Jesus Christ and becoming His follower. It usually goes something like this:

“If God would just write in the clouds, I’d believe.” – as if writing in the clouds is somehow

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Reflections on Rejection: Matthew 11

In light of this being the day before Good Friday there is somber reflection today in my heart on the 24 hours prior to my Lord’s death on a cross. During that time Jesus saw his disciples turn their backs on him, he had heard one of his closest friends deny him to the point of cursing his name, and he had felt the physical pain of being beaten as an imposter. How’s your day going? We should not soon forget that Jesus took on this for us: “What a love; what a cost – We stand

Thursday, March 27, 2014

James 1: A map through today's trials

Today we jump into the letter of James. This is a very practical letter and in the first chapter James hits on several topics that influence our everyday life. The Holy Spirit used this in my life today to remind me

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Galatians 3: FREEDOM and thankful for the gift of FAITH

Galatians 3 is a powerful proclamation of the freedom from the entanglements of Judaism and the law. This chapter screams out: “FAITH, faith counted for righteousness (vs6), faith includes us as family (vs 7), faith through which God declares us righteous (vs 8), faith that brings blessing (vs 9), faith which sustains life (vs11), faith found in Jesus Christ (vs 22), and faith that leads to freedom (vs 24,25).

Paul declares the freedom that all who run to Christ find. He is proclaiming freedom from the Judiastic system and the law (the schoolmaster). He is rejoicing and demonstrating the same truths decided at the Jerusalem Council.

Imagine the dangers

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Hebrews 10: The Better Covenant - in color!

This chapter in Hebrews is part of the larger context of the letter that is talking about the new covenant, the better covenant. One of the powerful things I noticed in it the last few days is the comparison between the two. Observe with me the way that this chapter

Friday, March 7, 2014

Hebrews 6: Making sense of Hebrews

Last Friday I began reading the intensely Jewish take of the gospel through Jesus Christ as Paul communicated it to the Hebrews. To but it briefly, “I am quite certain you cannot discuss these themes briefly.” For that reason I have had trouble both reading through each chapter for the day and summarizing them in any way. Each verse or at least each paragraph is filled with compelling intrigue and requires you to look through two lenses: the lens of the gospel of Christ and the lens of the Old Testament and its incomplete sacrificial system. Without the latter we don’t understand in full extent how the former brings complete clarity to our understanding and to our salvation.

Let me help you see my viewpoint of Hebrews. If you have ever looked through a telescope

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Jesus washing feet: A lesson in humility, honor, and serving

Had you ever been in a service that gave the opportunity of washing feet? It is interesting the reactions this activity can elicit: “No way!” “What a blessing!” “That’s disgusting.” “I was humbled” “Why?” “I am not participating.” “I’m curious.” Some consider it one of the church ordinances while others consider it a mystical event on par with handling snakes.

This past Sunday we were studying in John 13 and learned several things about Jesus and even utilized the illustration He gave us to further understand His words. We allowed for people in our church who so desired to take part in actual foot-washing. I believe I would describe it from two different vantage points: it was both unusual and very humbling.

As we studied the passage we were shown that while washing feet is not a part of our culture anymore, it does help us understand several things. It shows us the extreme humility of Christ, that as Master, he truly became servant to all. For those of us who are uncomfortable with the idea, we join Peter in that discomfort, he obviously did not want to participate either. Jesus’ object lesson was also a reminder for those who are his followers to find unique ways to serve each other, washing feet was just one example he gave.  

But most of all we were reminded Sunday of the spiritual truth that while we have been washed thoroughly clean by trusting Christ for our salvation, we still have sin and temptation come along and dirty our daily walk. So every day we do some spiritual cleansing by confessing those areas we “got dirty” in and experiencing His “faithful and just” forgiveness. 

Regardless of what your reaction to foot washing is, and there are many; I trust that we don’t quickly forget the larger truths Jesus was teaching: humility, service to one another, and our need for His daily cleansing.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Acts 24: Measure our words

I love this chapter. It is complete with so much: the brash, slanderous report of Ananias as he flattered the governor. The outright denial of Paul and his obviously Christocentric view of the Old Testament scriptures.

What is most beautiful is the way in which Paul declares what he believes: discerningly and yet descriptively demonstrating the similarities (the Old Testament Scriptures) he has with his accusers while decisively revealing where they differ, namely the belief in the coming resurrection. What boldness we find as Paul clearly denies the accusations against him and them firmly advances the consistency in which he honors the Old Testament scriptures. He openly declared again and again the truth of a coming resurrection. And what bothered them the most is that this belief was staked on this Jesus.

He placed Felix, the governor, in a very tight spot. Here these Jewish lovers of the law were bringing someone to him seeking his execution and as Felix cross examines him, he openly declares his love for the exact same thing, the Old Testament scriptures. Is Felix punish Paul for loving the scriptures? for believing in a resurrection? or for disagreeing with the chief priest?

What is then the icing on the cake is the way in which Paul’s integrity and message affected Felix: He trembled. I am resolved to learn from this chapter that I must be this discerning. Paul was not quick to dump all Biblical knowledge on Felix, but carefully was led by the Spirit of God to share what was needful: truth that defined and differentiated. His calm and steady approach in neither an offensive or defensive manner spoke volumes about his violent accusers. Let us be this clear with the truth, this honest with what we believe, this measured with our words, and this effective when speak for our Lord and our faith in Him.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Acts 20: Our family thoughts about Eutychus

Thoughts with the family tonight regarding Acts 20:

Why did the story of Eutychus falling asleep while Paul spoke make it into the Bible?

So we would realize that our services don't really least that long, Paul spoke at least till midnight.

To caution us not to fall asleep in church, ouch.

To remind speakers to keep the welfare of the congregation in mind.

To show how much they wanted to hear the truth, as most of them stayed awake that long. What churches do you know that go till midnight because they have a hunger for God.

To encourage every pastor that has had someone fall asleep during their message. Let's be honest now!

To show that Paul had power to raise the dead.

To help us be thankful for the fact that Sunday is now a day of rest for most of us. In Eutychus`s day they worked the first day of the week and then gathered to worship after the day had ended. That's one reason he fell asleep.

Bad reason: to encourage pastors to not go too deep, or too long, and instead keep it light, funny, entertaining, and short.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Acts 8: Strange scriptures lead to life

This chapter`s theme is about the growth of the gospel despite attempts to squelch it by Saul and the establishment. Philip the evangelist moves as he is led sharing the gospel even in Samaria. He is then led south of Jerusalem where he finds an usual situation.

What he finds is an Ethiopian court official of the Queen of Ethiopia.  The official is on his way back to his country after visiting Jerusalem. While in Jerusalem he has secured a copy of some of the Scriptures, including the writings of the prophet Isaiah. No doubt he was curious about things he had been hearing from Jerusalem. He had probably heard about this controversial teacher and healer named Jesus, and upon inquiring more, could have been told that this man's appearing and life was actually forertold in the Scriptures. A much sought after copy of those writings are now in his hands as he makes his way back home. Little did he know how this reading material would transform his life.

What followed would do just that. He comes to a section that describes that someone would die as a lamb and that his death serve a significant purpose. As he pauses to ponder what this could mean, a stranger approaches their caravan. This stranger ends up answering all his questions and helps him begin a personal relationship with this lamb-like Savoir. He believes, he is baptized, and he carries this mysterious and live changing message to his nation and Queen.

Who may God want to use you to be a Philip to, and will you follow his lead?

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Acts 7: History haters never learn.

Stephen preaches one of the most accurate and concise overviews of Hebrew history ever recorded. In it he does not diminish the law and in fact honors the role of Moses in their history, and yet these are the two things the people are holding against him.

The truth is that what engaged them in this sermon was when they are called out as stiff-necked people and uncircumcised in heart and ears. If any thing he is upholding the law and showing them how they had failed to keep it. (Vs 53). Then in their response they reveal that the accusation they hated so much was spot on, so proud of themselves and so stiff-necked that they killed him for calling attention to their character flaws. And yet in a fashion that we should be getting use to, God glorifies his truth even through death and chooses the one holding the coats of the stoner's as the next evangelist to rise up and fill Stephen`s place. So whether it be Candace Cameron speaking up about her biblical values as a wife or Natalie Grant walking out of a godless Grammy awards night be assured that as Christ-followers, we will be hated. Stephen is an example to us today that truth, morals, and biblical values will be misinterpreted and misunderstood. Haters will get offended and will go to unusual means to shut the mouths of those that live out the truth. Its really an age old story.

And so it is time and again, Satan tries to use death to bring an end, and over and over again God uses it as a beginning and to expand the Kingdom. And over and over again history haters are shown that the best, that is ahead, can only be found by looking back.