Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Engaging culture: A necessary task

Sunday night we had our first session of our "Worldview University". We are going to have to add extra seating or change seating for next week based on the turnout and the anticipation and feeling of engagement was palpable. 

I want to reiterate a core position that was communicated regarding our Biblical stands and living them in a growingly antagonistic culture. We truly can take our cues from Jesus, and then Paul, and work hard at keeping the gospel at the center of all we do. It is the gospel that changes hearts, you and I are testimonies of that change. When we become convinced that the next election or an argument on Facebook is how we can change the world we have allowed Satan to drag us into the muck of meaninglessness and have become disillusioned to the power of the gospel.

The rampant departure from Biblical values we see in our nation is not new despite the recent high profile indicators. They are just stronger reverberations of the idolatry that is the foundation of much of what we are seeing. Greed, hate, and pride drive our society. Idols of comfort and ease, and lust and fulfillment, regardless of who or how, has turned our nation into a narcissistic cesspool that all too often the Christ-follower is found wading in. Let us be clear, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only answer to set us and others free from every idol. The Gospel must hit home in our hearts. We must realize we have logs in our eyes. We must not give our souls to another. We then must also realize that the gospel is the answer to all that ails our world. It can infuse love into  the hate-filled. It alone can change a lust filled heart. It is what can wound the broken and abused. It communicates a Person that loves, forgives, and transforms.

So our response must be two key things: we must be courageous and compassionate. Courageous with the truth and compassionate to the those in need of Christ. This is a dangerous task: to improperly balance this - to major on one and leave the other undone, has devastating effects. Being courageous does not mean being self-righteous arrogant bigots, or any one of these in part. It may bring "amens" from our crowd but will never win a heart.
On the flip side, to be compassionate without sharing the truth is to leave love without a foundation and merely be flirting instead of establishing a redemptive relationship. This will call us to view Christ's example in the Gospels as instructive. We will need the Spirit as we enter in and love and bear His truth. Let me assure you of this about our mission: We can. We can do it because it is what Jesus has called us to. This is what He has empowered- this is living out gospel transformation. This is something we can do because he has empowered it. And finally, this is something we must do because He commanded it. Looking forward to the next 5 sessions here at FBC.

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