Today we jump into the letter of James. This is a very
practical letter and in the first chapter James hits on several topics that
influence our everyday life. The Holy Spirit used this in my life today to
remind me
of some areas that need focus.
Let me just share a rundown of the topics discussed:of some areas that need focus.

Gaining wisdom by asking in faith vs 5-8
Remaining steadfast in trials vs 9-12
What happens in temptation vs 13-15
All good is from God, we are his fruit vs 16-18
Healthy guidelines for communication vs 19-21
Following up on what God teaches us vs 22-25
Pure religion is loving those hurting the most, pure living, and a controlled tongue vs 26-28
One of the take-aways for me was for me was that all of these topics gel into the theme of daily life. James provides a map to route us through a day that is complete with trials, tough conversations, temptations, and though we want to lash out in sin or act on that anger, there is also the desire to allow God to guide and teach us throughout all of it. Check out the summary of James 1 in the following paragraph and be encouraged that God has given us the tools to make it through today.
Don't we all face days where we are going through a trial, need wisdom, we need to endure through that trial and while we go through it we must guard against temptation. So often the first place we go is self pity or anger towards those closest in our lives instead of recognizing the good gifts God has blessed us with. It is at that point we must FIGHT. Not others, this is our sinful inclination. That is what we fight, we must fight off the temptation to lash out at others - we must fight to pursue God and His ways. We must decisively turn to Him and His word and then purposely and proactively DO what we find Him telling us. This is what should define those who are following God, they should be known not by being controlled by trials but by loving those who are hurting (Sounds so much like what Jesus does so often for me.) They should not be known by their wrath-filled ventings or sin tainted lifestyle, but by the control the Spirit of God has given them over their tongue and the fact that God works in them to be in the world but not take on its stench.
I am asking God to help my day look like this, how about yours?
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