Thursday, March 13, 2014

Hebrews 10: The Better Covenant - in color!

This chapter in Hebrews is part of the larger context of the letter that is talking about the new covenant, the better covenant. One of the powerful things I noticed in it the last few days is the comparison between the two. Observe with me the way that this chapter
compares the OT sacrificial system to the finished work of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross:

#1 In the OT we find a sacrificial system given by God in the law (vs 1) 
and in the NT we find one sacrifice given by God  in the person of Jesus Christ (vs9,10).

#2 This system was a shadow of good things to come (vs 1)
while now the Holy Spirit shines a light to reveal the shadow is no longer there (vs 15,16).

#3 What had been a system of sacrifices offered 
year by year in a never-ending process (vs 1)
 is replaced by the one (vs 14) 
and done (vs 12, 14) sacrifice of Christ, once for all. (vs 10).

#4 What was a yearly reminder of sins (vs3) has now been redeemed to sins no longer being remembered (vs 17).

#5 The reminder is made of the animals blood’s insuffieciency to take away sin (vs 4,11) 
but Christ’s blood and death is sufficient to sanctify (vs 10).

#6 There was no pleasure in endless sacrifices (vs 6), 
but in Christ there is remission of sin and an end to sacrifices (vs 18).

#7 The old has been taken away (vs 9); 
and given way to the new and living way through Jesus (vs 20).

In Christ, the shadow is done away. That which was a picture, gives way to Him who is its living reality. Endless sacrifices find their end in The once for all Sacrifice. The memories of sin now can be replaced with the victory we have been granted and pleasure is found in this new and living way, only through Jesus Christ. 

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