Thoughts with the family tonight regarding Acts 20:
Why did the story of Eutychus falling asleep while Paul spoke make it into the Bible?
So we would realize that our services don't really least that long, Paul spoke at least till midnight.
To caution us not to fall asleep in church, ouch.
To remind speakers to keep the welfare of the congregation in mind.
To show how much they wanted to hear the truth, as most of them stayed awake that long. What churches do you know that go till midnight because they have a hunger for God.
To encourage every pastor that has had someone fall asleep during their message. Let's be honest now!
To show that Paul had power to raise the dead.
To help us be thankful for the fact that Sunday is now a day of rest for most of us. In Eutychus`s day they worked the first day of the week and then gathered to worship after the day had ended. That's one reason he fell asleep.
Bad reason: to encourage pastors to not go too deep, or too long, and instead keep it light, funny, entertaining, and short.
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