He placed Felix, the governor, in a very tight spot. Here these Jewish lovers of the law were bringing someone to him seeking his execution and as Felix cross examines him, he openly declares his love for the exact same thing, the Old Testament scriptures. Is Felix punish Paul for loving the scriptures? for believing in a resurrection? or for disagreeing with the chief priest?
What is then the icing on the cake is the way in which Paul’s integrity and message affected Felix: He trembled. I am resolved to learn from this chapter that I must be this discerning. Paul was not quick to dump all Biblical knowledge on Felix, but carefully was led by the Spirit of God to share what was needful: truth that defined and differentiated. His calm and steady approach in neither an offensive or defensive manner spoke volumes about his violent accusers. Let us be this clear with the truth, this honest with what we believe, this measured with our words, and this effective when speak for our Lord and our faith in Him.
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