Thursday, February 27, 2014

Jesus washing feet: A lesson in humility, honor, and serving

Had you ever been in a service that gave the opportunity of washing feet? It is interesting the reactions this activity can elicit: “No way!” “What a blessing!” “That’s disgusting.” “I was humbled” “Why?” “I am not participating.” “I’m curious.” Some consider it one of the church ordinances while others consider it a mystical event on par with handling snakes.

This past Sunday we were studying in John 13 and learned several things about Jesus and even utilized the illustration He gave us to further understand His words. We allowed for people in our church who so desired to take part in actual foot-washing. I believe I would describe it from two different vantage points: it was both unusual and very humbling.

As we studied the passage we were shown that while washing feet is not a part of our culture anymore, it does help us understand several things. It shows us the extreme humility of Christ, that as Master, he truly became servant to all. For those of us who are uncomfortable with the idea, we join Peter in that discomfort, he obviously did not want to participate either. Jesus’ object lesson was also a reminder for those who are his followers to find unique ways to serve each other, washing feet was just one example he gave.  

But most of all we were reminded Sunday of the spiritual truth that while we have been washed thoroughly clean by trusting Christ for our salvation, we still have sin and temptation come along and dirty our daily walk. So every day we do some spiritual cleansing by confessing those areas we “got dirty” in and experiencing His “faithful and just” forgiveness. 

Regardless of what your reaction to foot washing is, and there are many; I trust that we don’t quickly forget the larger truths Jesus was teaching: humility, service to one another, and our need for His daily cleansing.

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