The transfiguration moment had to be one of the most amazing moments for Peter, James, and John. Jesus, the light of the world, becoming radiant - intensely white - His greater glory shining through and God the Father declaring His Son's identity and His authority.
God's Word (the Bible) tells us of Jesus (The Living Word) is exalted by God the Father through the spoken word. And they were able to see it all. Impacting. Unforgettable. The kind of moment that can energize you years later, just by reflecting on its memory.
Don't soon forget the impact God's Word has in our lives: illuminating, revealing, and serving as the catalyst for transformation. We must engage in this powerful Word. It promises life. Brings hope in the darkness. Sets us on course for blazing uncharted paths. It lights the way in every hour.
One of the clarion calls of the Reformation became: "Post tenebras lux" (After darkness, light!). In light of this call the Church of Geneva made the declaration of the Word key in its ministry including: Sunday sermon at dawn; another at 9a.m.; training in the Word for children at noon; a 3p.m. sermon; and three more sermons through the week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. They reasoned that light would only return and darkness be invaded to the extent that they prioritized the Word in their life. Is it any wonder there seems to be a prevailing darkness falling over the average spoon-fed, malnutritioned American church. What's the priority of the Word in your life and church?
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