"He that has ears to hear, let him hear." - Jesus

Some just cannot hear. Some just will not hear. Some are resolved in remaining hearing impaired. It may be a "what I refuse to hear, I cannot be held responsible for" mentality. It's largely a spiritual impairment. Like trying to talk football stats and reviewing the latest games with someone who has zero interest in the game. Paul refers to them as "natural" as opposed to "spiritual" (1 Corinthians 2:4). They cannot hear because they are truths that are only understood through the spiritual guidance of the Holy Spirit. Otherwise they appear as just foolishness.
We need the Spirit at work helping us as we read God's Word and discern the climate around us. If you are having trouble getting something from the Word. You have hearing trouble today. Really on the Spirit. Ask God for wisdom. He supplies and will help you advance beyond the seedling stage to a fruit bearing plant: a follower of Christ that leaves Christ's footprint wherever you go.
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