One of the hot topics of Jesus day among the Pharisees and the Jews was the issue of divorce. At the very least, they decided to use it to trap
him. His answer concerning divorce is timeless, so much so that it transcends time and speaks into our current 21st century controversy.
How you might ask? Just a few thoughts today. First in Verse 6 we are reminded that God beautifully created two distinctly different creatures. They were made to compliment each other, right down to how their bodies fit together. In Verse 7 we get this great definition/description of marriage, and notice that there is gender specificity in the definition. A man (male) is to hold fast to his wife (female). They are to become one flesh, unified in every way imaginable: emotionally, physically, in purposes, in plans, and a oneness that hurts if and when broken apart.
Can you imagine it now: those words being shared on a CNN Exclusive interview with Jesus. You thought Phil Robertson got some heat. The main dude from duck dynasty has nothing on the King of the Kingdom. A king, who needless to say, rules, reserves the right to make the rules, and and also redeems many of those who break them.
Great insight. This perspective ties in perfectly on how we could answer how Jesus would have responded to this hot topic. Jesus describes the beauty of marriage while defining it, and doesn't leave room for any other options. Your right CNN would not be on board.