There are a number of great themes and mini stories in this chapter. The parable of the tenants, Jesus and taxes, questions about the resurrection, two great commandments, a thought provoking question posed by Jesus followed by a warning about wicked leadership, and finally an amazing example of giving. All of this occurred in the last week of Jesus ministry, and none of it seeking to be premeditated and scheduled ministry. Jesus integrates serving, helping, teaching, warning, defining, guiding, and cross preparation in such fluid fashion that
it may get lost in focusing individually at each mini-story. You think your days get busy - read this chapter in light of it being a day in the life of Jesus.
That is the take away today for me, ministry on the flow. I've both squandered opportunities and overcooked others. There are times where I've nailed the landing and times where I crashed and burned. So what is the key to maintaining a heart for ministry? The NT provides a host of helps here: be ready always to give an answer, be ready in season and out of season, and walk in the Spirit.
I think there are three key times I struggle with this. First, when I am tired. I lose my focus. I stay thinking more about me. Second, when something is looming on my schedule. I see what needs to get done and I check out on what God is doing in the moment. Finally, I tend to miss opportunities to minister right after I've gotten done doing ministry. This seems to indicate several weaknesses in me: am I merit based in my approach to ministry? am I doing it in my strength? Am I satisfied with singular points of ministry. In light of 7+touch points of ministry in this passage, today it seems that God would have us see Jesus example and be ready to minister throughout our day: ready to minister as his Spirit shifts, changes, pushes, and propels.
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